Join Us Today!

Enjoy the best of South Dakota as a part of the SD Walleyes Family

Membership Details

Memberships run from April 1 to March 31. To join South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited please click here for a membership application and mail your yearly membership fee of $30 (Online payment is $32.00). The $30.00 fee is for individual or for family membership (family and individual are now the same price. Family includes spouse and any children under the age of 18. Please list additional family members on your application and names of those wanting a membership card.

Send a check payable to “South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited” with a filled out Membership Form and send to:

South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited
PO Box 9244
Rapid City, SD 57709

SDWU Membership Form

Secure Online Membership Payment

Select Chapter Association
Select New or Renewal Membership
Add “Member names & Email”
Add Address to send newsletter

Membership Benefits

Members receive annual newsletters covering concerns of South Dakota fishing. In addition, other benefits are included, such as participating in the Annual State Convention and the opportunity to enter the member fishing tournament.
Join us as we impact South Dakota for the benefit of our posterity.
Youth fishing as part of SD Walleyes